Former country sesh-rat rebrands as organic wine sipping faux-hippie after move to Freo

Kaylee was born & bred in the Goldfields and spent much of her formative years smashing pingaz and hanging out in grotesque outdoor settings into the wee hours of the mornings. 

She was a bonafide sesh rat that would never shy away from the degenerate sewer of a good time. 

That’s until she decided to take her cashed up parents up on their offer to rent their North Freo pad and embrace the modern age. It was time to break free of her dirtbag cocoon and emerge a mighty wankerfly. 

We spoke to Kaylee who had spent the afternoon perusing organic wine at the local bottlo. She told The Times,

“You wouldn’t know it by looking at me but I used to be able to skol back to back 550ml cans of Woodstock. That’s past Kaylee, this is my body-is-a-temple era and only the finest organic wine will touch the sides”

We spoke to a high school acquaintance who said she couldn’t believe the difference when she ran into Kaylee in Freo one morning. She told The Times,

“Last time I saw Kaylee she was honking on a pipe and talking about being the queenbitch of Kalgoorlie. Now she’s wandering around with an Acai bowl and wearing this big floppy hat and asking me how I feel about the Scarborough gas project”

Naturally, the facade that Kaylee puts on each day starts to crumble by the 2nd alcoholic beverage she consumes. 

After 3-4 drinks she’ll start dropping the c-bomb and threatening to fight girls bump into her in the bar queue of the Left Bank

Truly evolved.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?