WA Accused of Taking the Whole “Hot Theme” A Little Seriously

The Big Bash has reached out to Western Australia to ask them to cool it a bit on the whole raging inferno theme they have committed to for today’s upcoming match.

Brisbane Heat will play Perth Scorchers in the furnace on a 41 degree day – so inside the furnace it’s probably going to be closer to 45 or more.

A spokesperson for the Big Bash League told The Times,

“They sure have committed to the heat theme but Christ, I feel thirsty even thinking about this match. We have reached out to WA but they just keep telling us it’s a dry heat despite a clearly tropical storm last night. What are these jokers playing at?”

Western Australia has responded in true WA form and told them that the heat is dry and if they dispute that they can come sort it out in the car park after the match. A spokesperson for WA continued,

“Pfft, I asked them if they were bringing toast because they were soft as butter! Yeah it’s going to be a warm one but that’s why you come to WA, you come to get scorched baby”

We asked WA if the possibility of another humidity strike could play into Brisbane’s hand. They just stared blankly at us tapping a sign that said DRY HEAT.

The public is being urged to drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids and ensure they know their limits.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?