Man who has made no effort to socialise his dogs shocked they’re acting like maniacs at the pub

A local man has been left shocked that his dogs transform into growling, barking menaces to society after being dragged along to another drinking session at a beer garden.

Despite making no effort to properly socialise the animals, the man insists that this behaviour is completely unforeseeable and he doesn’t see why he should have to disrupt his good times to deal with the situation. Adding,

“People keep looking at me like my dogs barking their nutt off is bothering them! So what if my little angel tried to bite that old pug as well. He’s the sweetest boy at home, I don’t know what’s come over him!”

We can report that the scene got significantly more heated on the weekend when a fellow pub patron suggested to the man that his dogs were overwhelmed at the busy pub setting and to put them on a leash. A witness recounted the confrontation,

“Yeah, this woman went up to him and said this was a pretty intense environment for a couple of dogs with no socialisation training. He got up and tried to staunch her before telling everyone that he’ll do what he wants”

Another onlooker queried why the man needed to bring his dogs in the first place. Suggesting they would be quite happy at home for a few hours while he had lunch at the pub. This also didn’t end well as a witness told us,

“Yeah, this woman went up to him and said this was a pretty intense environment for a couple of dogs with no socialisation training. He got up and tried to staunch her before telling everyone that he’ll do what he wants”

The usually serene beer garden was now an arena of foul language and yelling as parents went toe to toe with the dog-daddy.

Despite being the villain of the day, he made an excellent point about the free range kids being equally as infuriating as barking dogs. His point silenced his critics.

Eventually, the dog owner decided to leave after his little angel left a steamer on the beer garden floor and he figured a quick escape was a more elegant solution than cleaning it up.

Please take extra measures this festive season to ensure your human and canine babies don’t act like goblins at the pub.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?
