WA bloke torn between large fish pic and HiVis work bathroom selfie for online dating profile

 A Western Australian man has found himself in an enormous pickle this afternoon after his most recent long term relationship of 2 weeks abruptly ended. 

He knew he had to be back on the dating scene ASAP but couldn’t decide which generic Western Australian profile pic to use. 

Karlyn is well and truly torn between the photo of him holding the Dhufish his mate caught and a recent bathroom selfie he took up north on site. He told The Times,

“It’s important to get right, yas know? I reckon the fish is good cos that’s unique. How many blokes can catch a fish like that ay, plus it shows that I don’t give a fark if it’s a bit fishy down there hahahahah ay”

Karlyn almost selected the Dhuey photo before pontificating some more. Adding, 

“On the other hand, I reckon the HiVis bathroom selfie shows that I got a job and that? She has probably dated a steady stream of scumbag semi pipe fiends ahaha and I’m not really that. Just on the two weeks I’m back”

It looked like nothing could beat the stalemate with Karlyn musing that he should wear his HiVis out fishing next time to nail two birds with one stone. 

To help the process, he asked his housemate who told him that he couldn’t care less what he did and to please go back to his old swing which meant the two never had to see each other. 

We can happily report that Karlyn opted for the HiVis bathroom selfie.