Beautiful instant karma on the roads of Smellburn

Not WA but too good not to share. The video shows an enraged gentleman with a rat tail stop his car and commences an intimidating skip towards the driver.

After approaching the vehicle, the man has a few choice words before realising he’s cooked the chook on this one. Always scope for cops before threatening a fellow road user!

The footage was captured on DashCam and sent in to Dash Cam Owners Australia. Check it out

Seeing the officer in full flight is truly a majestic site. A rare moment you are rooting for traffic cops. In fact, the video would only be improved if he’d staunched an undercover cop car. Alas, we can’t have it all.

It’s an important lesson to all road ragers, you never know who is going to be lurking when you go apeshit.

On the topic of insant karma, we should never forget this iconic piece of footage:

Sublime stuff and totally on brand for the mighty Ford Ranger.

RELATED: Ford Release Ranger EV – First Battery To Be Fully Charged Off Driver’s Rage

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?
