claremont royal show parking

Family struggling with cost of living “comforted” by how much Claremont residents will make renting out their verges to them this weekend 

A young Baldivis family has made every sacrifice imaginable to save up enough cash to treat their two kids to a day out at the Perth Royal Show. If they are being honest, the constant stress is beginning to get to them. 

So you can only imagine how comforted they feel thinking about the $20 an hour they’ll be paying to the owner of a $3.5M property in Claremont for Royal Show parking. Kev told The Times,

“At the end of the day, they need the cash more don’t they? Sure I’ve been drinking Tun reds all month and catching 4 buses to work but they also need to pay for the upkeep on their tennis court. There’s a warming solace in that”

Similarly, Maree has curbed her Kmart obsession and has been creating hacks from Big W products for over 2 months. She told The Times,

“You need to put yourself in the shoes of other people. The extra parking fee is a lot for us but what if their kids have to fly economy on their 4th international family holiday for the year? I’m not sure I could live with that kind of guilt”

Indeed, many affluent Claremont residents are still feeling the pinch of being unable to earn parking money in 2020 due to public health measures

We spoke to a generationally wealthy grandma who just inked the deal on a Yallingup beach house. She told The Times,

“This year we will be putting the Royal Show parking money towards a $10,000 statement art piece made of resin, sea shells and driftwood for the beach house. We really did want something better but 2020 set us back. We all have to make do, after all”

We wish all Claremont residents a speedy financial recovery and to fully enforce their right to call the Ranger on any shitbox that dares stay a single microsecond past the agreed time. 

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?
