Feds reveals his greatest achievement was getting WA to pay him a gazillion for a quokka selfie

Roger Federer is no stranger to success. With 20 grand slams, textbook style and an embellished reputation in the public eye, he’s one of the most successful athletes of all time. 

However, Roger knows where he truly achieved greatness – getting WA to pay him an estimated “gazillion” buckaroos to take a quick selfie with a Quokka. 

In an interview, Roger opened up about his decision to retire stating that once you can get Governments to fill your boots for a couple of seconds of work, you’ve “officially made it”. There is no greater height than that. 

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The exact figure Roger was paid to promote WA isn’t known but some sources have said the first off was “half the surplus”. An offer we understand Roger briefly considered before saying he’d chuck in a tour of the pinnacles if they doubled it. 

Money well spent”, a WA Government spokesperson said. Adding that they’d gladly offer him a % of GST royalties if he agreed to come back and take another one. Adding, “please, Roger, come back”.

We understand that the WA Government is currently in negotiations with Roger to come back to unveil the new Bayswater Bridge once it’s completed as part of the Metronet project. 

How much are they willing to pay? Well, that isn’t clear but let’s just say you might not be getting any more electricity credits this year. 

Congratulations Roger on a fabulous career. 

MORE ON QUOKKA SELFIES: Inquiry Held as to Why Sacha Baron Cohen Hasn’t Posted Obligatory Quokka Selfie Yet

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