When keeping it real goes wrong. It seems that someone in a South Bound fishing boat had the audacity to fish in the same section of the vast ocean as another bloke. To some this is a minor snafu but to others it is clearly the red cape to the raging bull.
Was it a former friend that turned Judas and swiped his Navicon coordinates? Or was it a coincidence? We may never know but what we do know is the aggrieved angler lost his cool over it. Check out the Neeson-esque note combined with a sort of Godfather act of fish rather than horse heads.

The wrongly accused man made lemonade after receiving these sour lemons and turned the act of unhinged anger into gift for his garden. A calm and measured response in the face of such apeshittery.

No doubt there is more to this story and one can’t imagine the note writer stopping until he has advised the right spot thief of his intentions. He’s a bit hectic like that.
In the face of such ugliness we must remind ourselves that as a member of society, you wouldn’t download a fishing spot! Especially when Dhueys are known to frequent.
This outburst comes off the back of a long weekend which is famously a stressful time to be a down south local. Blow-ins frustrating every aspect of their normal daily routines.
It would be a delicious irony if it was a blow-in that stumbled upon old mate’s spot. More on the blow-in menace below.
RELATED: REPORT: Down South Local is About to Blow!
Nevertheless, we must also sometimes enjoy a Snickers bar and refrain from acting like a goose without a pond. Chill out brah.
Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?