Netball Australia Dresses Up As Hancock Employee To Try And Nab Some Of Gina’s Bday Bonuses 

Netball Australia has devised an ingenious plan to claw back some of Gina’s withdrawn funding without having to display her logo on their official uniforms – by going undercover as Hancock Prospecting employees this week. 

The plan was hatched after news broke that Gina was giving away $4.1M to employees to celebrate her 69th birthday. Obviously, to be eligible they had to pull off the perfect ruse. We spoke to Netball Australia who told The Times,

“Australian Netball needs as much funding as possible. We understand Gina is still pretty salty about what happened last year but that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t still like a slash of that cash. So we sent our top officials in undercover as employees hoping to be showered in generosity by the mining magnate”

Remarkably, the plan went off without a hitch, with Gina’s indiscriminate cash handouts landing in 3 undercover employees’ hands. An insider told The Times,

“You’d think maybe she had a system but she just had one of those T-Shirt launches you see at American football games that were packed full of cash bundles. We are stoked to have this funding, even if she doesn’t realise it”

Naturally, not everyone is over the moon about the act of charity. With local rival and all-round jackaroo Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest doubling down on his gift to employees he made last time Gina was splashing cash at Xmas – a 2015 ex-mining vehicle 79 series LandCruiser to 10 employees. A source close to Twiggy told The Times,

“He’s got so many to give away and frankly you could probably get $4.1M for each vehicle on FB Marketplace at the minute. Twiggy doesn’t like to be outdone”

Read more about Twiggy’s one-upmanship HERE.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?
