Man who has never cleaned out his gutters sure is complaining a lot about water damage

Negligent homeowner and all-round useless kent, Todd has once again spent half his day complaining about the water pooling in and around his property. 

Despite ignoring every storm preparation warning to date, Todd feels there *must* be someone else to blame for this unavoidable aquatic tragedy. He told The Times,

“Look, check this out, fkn yard is flooded again and it’s getting into the house! I’ll take my bloody landlord to court if my carpet gets mouldy again. Why do bad things happen to such good people?”

Well, it could have something to do with his gutters looking like an iced-up beaver has been working around the clock to prevent the proper flow of water. Not that Todd wants to hear it, adding,

“You just can’t trust workmanship these days, obviously this house was just poorly designed and I pay the price every single time it rains. Look at all this water just flooding out of my gutters!”

Not only has Todd never cleaned out his gutters but he takes a very nonchalant attitude towards yard maintenance. 

In fact, his lack of branch-awareness resulted in a fair lump of timber snapping off a tree last week and doing quite a bit of damage to his roof. In turn, causing further leaks and further water damage. He told The Times,

“What am I, a lumberjack? Am I supposed to clear every hazard from my yard before a storm? Who has time for that? The Commonwealth Games were on”

Rather than take any productive steps to mitigate future damage, Todd seems content to rage on local community pages about his rotten luck. 

Todd, it’s time to get up and about champ.

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