7 New Public Holidays Western Australia Deserves

Great Perth Hail Storm Day – 22 March – on 22 March 2010 Perth finally copped a storm that wasn’t overhyped by the media. Large hail stones decimated the western suburbs, making it the worst thing to happen to the golden triangle until the $3M super tax.

for some it was the write-offageddon they sorely needed. For others it was the chance to own their very own golf ball for cheap. Legend says you can still find a few golf ball Getz in the car park of UWA. More on this event HERE.

Emu War Day – 10th December – on the 10th December 1932 the Royal Australian Artillery soldiers surrendered to the mighty bush chooks running amok in the Wheatbelt. Armed with the finest military-grade weaponry the soldiers could barely put a dent in the marauding emu populace.

It should be a day for all Western Australians to reflect on the might of the bush chook and sink as many red cans as possible in their honour. After all, who will save us if a foreign aggressor decides to attack? History suggests, not our military. 

Perth Stadium Day – 11th December or 21st January – on 11 December 2017 the mighty Perth Stadium was completed and officially opened on 21 January 2018. It will be a day to reflect on a major infrastructure project in Perth that wasn’t universally hated and ridiculed by the locals. An almost unheard of feat. 

It should be a day everyone comes together to get whacked out on goofball and enjoy the Stadium’s mighty light show. The completion date would mean a double public holiday with Emu War Day so perhaps the 21st is more appropriate. More on the light show HERE.

Hutt River Independence Day – 21st April – on 21 April 1970 the Hutt River Province was formed. It was a micronation formed by Prince Leonard over wheat production quotas. Much like the spud king, the price just wanted to pump out that produce. 

Hutt River Independence Day is a day to reflect on the audacious eccentricity of the WA spirit. In this case going as far as to print currency, issue passports and tell the ATO to sit on a wheat bushel and rotate on it. 

Return of Swanny D Day – 4th August – on 4 August 2022 it was declared that Swanny D would be rescued from the Eastern States and return to WA to be brewed at the Little Creatures Brewery in Freo. It was the return of a WA icon cruelly held in captivity for so long. 

The taste of WA had to endure lengthy stints in both Radelaide brewing prisons and NSW near the end of its captivity. It’s a day to reflect on the extra freshness of every pint you get in WA and also claw back a scrap of WA brewing pride.  More on the rescue HERE.

Bayswater Bridge Day – Date pending – sometime between 31 March and 26 April the mighty Bayswater Bridge will fall. Sadly, the old girl has to walk the green mile in response to her long-running rampage against the Perth trucking industry. 

Not only is Baysie a symbol of structural perfection but she has provided the city with endless entertainment over the years. Her exact body count may never be known but her legacy will never be forgotten.  More on Baysie HERE.

Iron Ore Day – 1 June – on 1 June 1966, the first shipment of iron ore left the Pilbara aboard the Harvey S. Mudd. This day could also be stylised as “Saved The Nation From Recession Day” or simply, “Royalties Day”. 

It will be a day for all Western Australians to reflect on the way mining money has shaped our great state. From the infamous boomtown pricing era to the prosperous transformation of the Qantas Club lounge. We owe a lot to this natural resource. More on the religion of ore HERE.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?