Photos of Dom Sheed sent to Collingwood phones in a suspected Brisbane psy-op campaign

The Collingwood Footy Club has appealed to whoever is behind the messages containing photos and videos of Dom Sheed slotting a clutch goal in the 2018 Grand Final, to stop as it is rattling its player group’s cages.

A spokesperson for the Pies told The Times that the players can’t get the images out of their minds. Especially those players who were playing in 2018. Adding,

“We’re all up for some rilvary but that’s like showing your 10 year old footage of the Babadook before bed. Dom is our boogeyman and these messages are out of line”

Victorian Police have even considered applying strict any harassment laws to protect the sanctity of the VFL. A spokesperson for VicPol told The Times,

“usually these laws are to prevent stalking rather than a VFL team losing a Grand Final but we are prepared to make an exception. Steele Sidebottom hasn’t slept a wink since he received a 3am text of Sheed last week”

Brisbane have denied any role in the psy-ops campaign and say that if Collingwood are haunted by Dom Sheed then that’s on them and their inability to beat the Eagles on that fateful day.

We can report that we have been contacted by one of the rogue messages and they told us that the messages were just the begining. Stage 2 will be to plaster Dom Sheed across billboards on Melbourne and rent trucks to replay the audio from the kick itself. Adding,

“They won’t be able to take a piss without thinking about Dom. They’ll come into the G as broken men. The VFL will fall and Eddie will shit a goat”

It may seem a bit underhanded but I don’t think there are many outside the Collingwood supporter base that wants them to get up on Saturday.

Carn the Lions!