Unprepared trampoline owner sure hopes kids aren’t overly attached to it

Perth father, Steven has declared “she’ll be right” in response to his wife’s request that he secure their newly purchased trampoline in preparation for heavy winds later this evening. 

True to form, Steven never bothered to chain that trampoline to the sturdy tree in their backyard. However, he’s become increasingly worried as he watches the wind pick up from work. 

Keeping an eye on the radar, he told The Times,

“You hear about a once-in-a-century blow or whatever they are saying and you just think, turn it up ya dingbats! But now I’m watching the wind pick up and I’m really hoping my boys don’t like that trampoline much, it’s gonna go flying mate”

Steven’s wife, Jessica claims her husband is being nonchalant and really doesn’t want her family to be another trampoline statistic when the winds pick up. Telling The Times,

“Every storm you hear about someone’s trampoline ending up halfway down the block on someone’s roof and frankly our two boys love that trampoline they’ll be devastated” 

By all reports, the kids are absolutely smitten with the newly acquired bouncy-boi, and Steven’s lack of storm preparation is set to destroy their faith in humanity. 

Steven is still tossing up whether to leave work early to get home and secure the toy but is also pretty tempted not to make the 35 minute journey home. Telling The Times, “they’ll get over it”.

Statistically, at least 200 trampolines will go walkabout every time Perth experiences some damaging winds. So much so that the Bureau of Meteorology has vowed to give storm warnings in terms of the likelihood of losing your trampoline.

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