Eddie Maguire defends his Simmo drivel claiming he knows a thing or two about getting unceremoniously axed

Naturally, much of his conjecture about the West Coast Board sacking Simmo by the end of the week has been contradicted by the club however that hasn’t stopped Eddie Everywhere from continuing to talk shit.

While any are quick to ignore the blowhard, others have pointed out that he knows a thing or two about getting unceremoniously and very publicly axed from a big opportunity that means a lot to him.

Of course, we are talking about his beloved TV show Millionaire Hot Seat which got shitcanned quite recently. A source close to Eddie told The Times,

“He’s still not over it and as you know he blames audience numbers in Western Australia for the show being axed. Most people just think that means WA has good taste. Anyway, he’s just projecting his own axing on Simmo. Maybe it will happen but Eddie doesn’t have any insider knowledge on this, he’s just mad”

Rumours are circulating that if Simmo is let go at the end of the season, that he will be considered for the hosting role of a rebooted Millionaire Hot Seat. With insiders saying is just to give Eddie the shits.

It should be noted that Eddie still isn’t over being denied entry to WA for the finals back in 2021.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?
