Parched truckie decides to treat himself to a forbidden road coke

A Perth truckie has decided that today will be the first day of the rest of his life. Sick and tired of denying himself the many gifts that fellow drivers leave for thirsty punters.

So at about 3 this arvo, Big Mike pulled over and made his dream come through. He told The Times,

“Compared to the Monster cans I drink it was pretty good. Lot of people probably see the weird yellow fluid and think it’s piss but I just say it flows from the well of the man snake and I’m tapping the shit out of it”

After guzzling the lot, Big Mike reported that he felt like he’d seen the face of God. Adding,

“It was so pure. Good after taste of trace levels of meth too. The truckie who donated this bottle went hard on the cheese sausages, I could taste it”

He then went on to describe the fluid a causing an Ayahuasca style trip. Where the universe demanded he give back to the road. So he filled a bottle of his own. Covering the front of his pants with the miracle of road hydration in the process.

It was at that point the police officer had heard enough and gave him a fine for chucking a piss bottle out of his cab. In his words

“It was worth a try”

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